
Thursday, February 9, 2017

Playing with the remote

I know I've mentioned it before, but one of my favorite extras I have with my camera is a remote.  It was small purchase (around $10) but its more than earned its place in my camera bag.

Basically I set it up like I was using a timer but no running back and forth to the camera.  Its been a great way for me to get in front of the camera and the kids love it when I let them use the remote to "take the picture".

I've been trying to take more pics lately that aren't posed and are just normal moments or silly smiles.  But when I got out my camera the other day, there were audible groans from the boys and hiding of faces (little sister does not mind the camera at all though).  So I turned on the remote setting and handed it to them.  I was either holding the camera or had it sitting on a shelf the entire time.  And boy did we have fun.  Here are some of my favorites from the afternoon/evening, including a few I set up myself.

Just some photography fun on our gravelly road.

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