Welcome 2012!!
One of the "resolutions" I've made for 2012 is to create a morning routine for myself. For years, my mornings (at least during the week) started early, with a rush to get ready and out the door to work. For the last 3 months (since the move), I've just been getting up when I wake up most mornings. Pretty luxurious for someone woken by an alarm for so long but I think the honeymoon is over. I need a routine to give me some time to myself each morning, especially since I foresee Isaac's afternoon naps phasing out soon. (sigh)
For several years I've struggled with scheduling a time in my day for devotions. When I was working and already getting up around 5am, devos in the morning didn't seem to work. For a time, my bus ride was the ideal time but when I got behind on sleep, the bus ride became a nap :) I would love to get up early enough to spend some quiet time with the Lord before Isaac gets up in the morning. I'm also hoping I can include other tasks in my mornings: exercising, working on grocery lists or other planning, or starting the first load of laundry for the day.
I've decided to join Hello Mornings Challenge hosted by the blog Inspired to Action. It runs from Jan 16 to April 15. The Challenge groups participants and includes a daily check-in as well as emails with tips and resources as you work toward including devotions, exercise and planning into your morning routine. I'm hoping the benefit of accountability and encouragement of an online group will keep me from "falling off the wagon" early. I'm not entirely sure what I've gotten myself into but it sounds exciting as I read the "preparation" emails... I'll update again after each month. Wish me luck!

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