Monday, August 26, 2024

Book Review: Between the Sound and Sea by Amanda Cox


Another great summer read book review for the blog, "Between the Sound and Sea" by Amanda Cox. 

Seeking an escape from her everyday, Josephina "Joey" takes a job to renovate a decommissioned lighthouse as way to avoid a complicated situation in her home town and with her family. During the restoration process, she discovers hidden notes in the lighthouse and is confronted by issues that seem to be sabotage, though the locals explain it all away with a local legend/ghost story. Joey must untangle history, rumor and legend to find the truth. Along the way she makes important connections to the new owner, Walt, and his grandson Finn. All the characters' lives are changed nearly as much as the lighthouse they are trying to update.

The author weaves the details of the historical mystery into the present story of Joey, Finn and Walt and the lighthouse with mastery. She connects a theme of restoration throughout both architectural and personal. While a light read, I quickly fell in love with the rich characters and with the unexpected twists. I had a hard time putting the book down, looking forward to uncovering how the details would unfold. I loved how the characters connected with each other and challenged each other. It was encouraging to see how much their lives had changed by the end of the book. While I wanted to hurry to find out how the story to end, I didn't want to say good-bye to the characters. 

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