This week I'm again participating in Five Minute Fridays at Kate Motaung's blog, (after another long hiatus) encouraging bloggers to write on a prompt unedited for five minutes. This week's prompt: Doubt
It doesn't take long for the voices of doubt to whisper and whine.
Or for me to start to listen to doubt's words.
Doubts about my role as mother and my ability to mother the tough moments as I should.
Doubts about what I can handle or what I am called to do.
Doubts about my ability to make any difference to others.
And once I let those doubts start to bounce around in my head, during long tired nights, rough mornings, or the crazy hour before supper, my ability to hear His words about me, to hear His love for me gets dimmed.
But I am blessed.
....To be married to a man that knows me and reminds me.
....To have friends to see the real me.
....To have a church family that encourages.
....To find reminders of His Love and His view of me in scriptures, books and in the most unexpected places.
I know that the more I fill my mind with Truth, the stronger I am against the doubts in any form, whispers or shouts. And fortified with Truth, I can take that next step, calm that tantrum or start that next thing they He has called me to.
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