
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Merry Christmas (belated) and Excited about the New Year

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!  Praying you have a happy and healthy New Year!

So, I took an unplanned break from blogging this month :)  December is always busy with getting ready for Christmas and this year was no exception.  But we've also had some adoption things happening at the same time...

And our son has some news to share (enjoy the kindergarten inventive spelling):
"I'm getting a little brother and little sister."

We are working to adopt siblings (age 4 and 3).  We're in the "get to know each other phase" and working to figure out what this transition will look like.  They are so precious and we are head over heels in love.  There's not a lot more I can share in this public space :)  It looks to be that 2015 will be an exciting, challenging and wonderful year as we figure out how Life on the Gravelly Road works as a family of 5!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Monday, December 1, 2014

Fourteen Years Ago...

It was a snowy Friday afternoon, near the end of a busy semester.  Papers, projects, finals prep and deadlines.

It was that snowy afternoon when my sweetheart came to visit and asked me a question.

"Will you go for a walk with me?"

But it was a cold, snowy afternoon and I was exhausted.  I wanted to stay in.

"Will you go for a walk with me if we stop for hot chocolate first?"

I relented.  So we went for a walk on that snowy afternoon, along the path near the lake, away from the busy campus and the reminders of papers, projects, finals and deadlines.

"Can we sit for a minute?"

On a bench, near the frozen lake, on that snowy Friday afternoon, our conversation took a more serious turn.  Special memories, love, forever.

And then he was on his knees in the snow with a ring, on that snowy afternoon to ask me a question.

"Will you marry me?"

And on that snowy Friday afternoon fourteen years ago, I said "Yes."

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving 2014

Thanksgiving marked the last week of Thankful Thursdays on the blog for the month of November but since we were out of town enjoying the holiday with family, I decided to wait to post.

Counting blessings over the last week included: opportunity to attend adoption training class; kiddo's fun day with his aunt (which included the Lego store); seeing the kiddo sing with the kids choir in front of church; that the unexpected visit of a stomach bug was brief, spared my husband, and all were healthy in time to travel to Thanksgiving; another year of counting blessing by hanging thankful leaves on the Family Thanksgiving Tree; safe travels and a wonderful visit over the long holiday weekend.

celebrating together

Our family time during Thanksgiving went quickly... Thursday we enjoyed a big Thanksgiving dinner followed by lots of games -- Uno, Othello, Parcheesi, pool, and a very serious Monopoly game.  The next day was Christmas baking day with my mom and sister -- two kinds of cookies, dipped pretzels, oreo truffles, salted nut roll bars, and chex mix.  Saturday we traveled to see more family with another big meal and lots of great time for the cousins to play and snuggle our youngest nieces who change so quickly between visits.

And now as turn the calendar here on the Gravelly Road, we transition to Advent season and prepare our hearts to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thankful Thursday (week 3)

Another Thankful Thursday here on the Gravelly Road...

* For a weekend at home together as a family.  With the holidays just around the corner, a weekend at home without a lot on our to-do list is something to appreciate!

* My husband's mechanic skills... even though that is no longer his career, he continues to bless our family with these talents.  Over the weekend he changed the oil in my car and discovered some service that needs to be done.  He saves us so much money by taking the time to do it himself.

* Being able to help out a friend who has done so much for me over the last few years.

* A fun after school trip to the library.  We don't get there as often as we did over the summer, but coming up with a stack of good books leads to an afternoon of snuggling on the couch reading -- perfect for the wintery weather.

* Serving together -- Kiddo and I attended a Food4Kidz event packing nutritionally complete food for children overseas to help in a small way to help hunger.  Events with this organization and others like are so well organized that its amazing how many meals in a short amount of time.

* For our extended family and that our son knows his grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins well.  My husband and I are both blessed to still have our parents with us and 3 sets of grandparents (our son's great-grandparents).  As I wrote a sympathy card for a friend who lost her father so suddenly this week, I'm reminded what a big blessing this is.

Today I am Grateful

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Piano Costume

playing piano in a super cape

Sometimes you need to wear a super cape to play music.

I wish I'd had my big camera handy when this moment happened but glad I at least captured it with my phone.  Love his toes tucked underneath him.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thankful Thursday (week 2)

Another Thursday and so much to be thankful for.  Here's the highlights of my list for the week:

* A rare lunch date Friday and breakfast date Sunday with my husband - chances to reconnect after many weeks of heavy travel for him.

* The chance to play, be silly, and enjoy the snowy weather during two snow days this week.  Also that my husband was home during the snow storm to join in the fun (and to clear the driveway as that is one of my least favorite tasks).

* Coffee and conversation with with a dear friend after surviving two snow days :)

* Playing games in front of the fireplace

* Packing Operation Christmas Child boxes with our kiddo.  It was really important to him that each box was both  "lots of fun" and "fair".  He liked the idea of trying to pack them as full as possible.

* Declaring our left-over supper as a "restaurant night".  Kiddo took orders for us from the "menu" of left-overs and delivered them to Dad who heated it all up.  There was also place cards for our seats :)  Sometimes its just one silly idea that turns left-over night into a special memory...

So incredibly blessed but also so easy to take it all for granted unless I intentionally pause to thank the One is the source of blessing!

pausing to say thanks

Monday, November 10, 2014

And then there was snow...

Saturday we spent time outside, cleaning up the yard and getting things ready for winter.  Of course there was a little football, jumping in the leaves again, and even some late pumpkin carving (or attacking a pumpkin with a hammer and chisel just because).  Dad even got the Christmas lights up.

unique way to carve pumpkin

And then there was snow...

Today we've already gotten over 8 inches, plus its very windy.  School was cancelled so we've been enjoying our first snow day.  We've played in the snow, enjoyed hot chocolate, and played plenty of games.  While we were outside, kiddo decided he needed to rescue his pumpkin masterpiece from the snow and bring it to the chickens :)  Of course with all the blowing snow all of our pics have more squint than smile.

enjoying winter fun

I guess we're starting winter early this year on the gravelly road.  Or maybe this will all melt and we'll get to appreciate a few more weeks of fall.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thankful Thursday (week 1)

Again this year, I'm going to attempt to post each Thursday some of what I'm giving thanks for that week.  It helps me to stay accountable to slow down, to remember how blessed we are, and to give God the credit for all He is doing in my life on a day to day basis.

Like last year we've started up our Thanksgiving Paper Chain.  Its a nice way to keep us at the dinner table a few extra minutes together and talk about our day.  Our son is pretty excited to write his, generally more than one a day :)

So here we go...

* For the opportunity to be on the local MOPS leadership team.  The ladies in this group have blessed me more than they can know.  Such wonderful fellowship while we plan ways to bless the moms in our group.

* For the new small group ministry at our church.  I was able to be on the launch team so its been so great to see it in action.

* For deepening friendships here.  Coffee dates, suppers, small groups and even quick conversations at after school pick up.

* To see our son doing so well in kindergarten.  He enjoys  it, has fun with new friends, and is learning so much.

* Enjoying our new fireplace in the evening.

* Apples.  We are nearly through the boxes of apples we have.  Lots of work but such delicious results.

Are you doing something to slow down and count your blessings this month?  Does your family have any special Thanksgiving traditions?

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Letter to our Future Child (Oct 2014)

I realize its been a while since I've posted a letter from my journal.  Here's one from a few weeks ago.

Dear Little One,

The trees in our yard are turning all shades of yellows, reds and oranges and we are enjoying a beautiful and busy fall.  Big brother has started kindergarten now so mommy's days are so much quieter.  I look forward to the day you join our family and fill our house with even more noise.  Something tells me that Big Brother plus a younger sibling will be more than twice as noisy as now :)

As we jump in leaves, pick apples, get ready for Halloween and enjoy the beautiful fall weather, we think of you often and hope to meet you soon...

Each day is one day closer.

~Your praying and hopeful Mommy

hoping to adopt waiting adoptive family

Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!


From this ninja on the Gravelly Road

Monday, October 27, 2014

More Fall Leaves and Carving Pumpkins

My parents came to visit this past weekend.  They arrived just as Dad and kiddo finished creating a leaf pile "as tall as he was" as he requested.  Of course Grandpa immediately scooped him up and dropped him into the pile.  I grabbed my camera as a leaf fight ensued.

large leaf pile

Grandpa, Dad and kiddo were tasked with buying some pumpkins on Saturday (while my mom and I shopped) but we didn't get a chance to carve them until after Grandpa and Grandma left.  We only carved two of the three, as one got a bit complex.  We did manage to roast the seeds which our kiddo enjoyed trying.  Monday morning before school he wanted to eat breakfast by Jack-o-lantern Light.

I'll try to post again after Halloween with costume pics.  Last we discussed it, he said he was going to wear his ninja costume.  His class is having a fall party but with no costumes which disappointed him.  Hopefully we'll have good weather on Friday!

Fall is cruising by and we are getting ready for Halloween here on the Gravelly Road.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Books While We Wait -- October 2014 Edition

As you know, we are buying a new children's book each month while we wait. Since the original post has gotten rather long to keep reposting.  I will still update the original list and have added a link near the header, but each month I will only post about the new book.  If you want to see the entire list, please feel free to click on the link at the bottom and review the other ones.  (I didn't create a September post but our September book is in the main list too so go check it out).

"How I Was Adopted" by Joanna Cole

This is another adoption book -- this time with the child as a narrator, telling her adoption story and what is special about her family.  The book does a good job including lots of different parts of adoption in an upbeat way, reminding readers that everyone's story is different.  It seems like it would be another book great for starting conversations.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Taking Family Photos

A couple weeks ago I convinced my crew that we needed to take another family picture...  partially because we haven't taken a photo of us in front of the house since the one from originally moved in 3 years ago.

It always seems to be such a big feat to take one that turns out ok (especially with Christmas card season just around the corner) even though its just the three of us!  So armed with my camera, tripod and handy-dandy camera remote, we set up in our front yard and ended up with a few good ones, with some goofy thrown in.

family waiting to adopt

Most of the time, I let our son hold the camera remote (thus the hidden hands) which he thinks is great fun.  If that's what it takes to get him to look at the camera...
family pictures outdoors

loving family pictures

I took one other set of family pictures recently (that I'm not going to share here).  I took extended family pictures for a friend whose family was throwing a surprise birthday party for her mother.  A group of twelve people (4 kiddos) who I didn't all know was a whole different type of challenge.  It was fun, we ended up with some good shots, and it certainly was a learning experience for me.

So much to learn but still loving photography here on the gravelly road.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Same Tree, Same Boy, Another Year

fall colors

As is our tradition, I wanted to take another fall picture of the kiddo in front of the tree that is one of my favorites when the leaves start to turn.

And since its "Throwback Thursday" take a moment to look at previous years' posts:
2012 & 2011

Looking back it was colder this time than other years as we had warm coats out yet the tree isn't as orange as it sometimes gets.

Because we can't be serious all the time time, there was a fair amount of this:
silly face

Before we ended up with this:

We measured him the other day and he has grown so much since his last birthday... no wonder I've had to change out his pants drawer several times.  Of course just as many pairs get moved because of large holes in the knees.  Just one month into kindergarten and he already seems so much older.  He loves to tell us the new Spanish words he's learned and who he saw at recess.  I'm enjoying helping in his classroom once a week and getting to know the friends he talks about :)

What an amazing blessing to watch how God is growing him into the boy He's planned.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Apple Time

Last weekend we declared it apple picking time here on the Gravelly Road. Our apples were ready and needed to be picked. Several windy days had already knocked quite a few to the ground. Since our main tree only has a heavy crop every other year and this was an off year, it was only an afternoon job to pick and sort the apples.  It was a bit chilly but we had fun in the sunshine.

fall apple fun
Between our apples and two boxes from my wonderful in-laws, we have plenty to enjoy.  The dehydrator has been running almost daily making apple chips, plus several batches of apple sauce and apple butter in the crockpot.  Of course there's been some apple crisp and ice cream a few times too.

Apple smells filling our home reminds me its definitely fall.  Treasuring each day of life here on the gravelly road.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Five Minute Fridays: New

This week I'm again participating in Five Minute Fridays at Kate Motaung's blog, encouraging bloggers to write on a prompt unedited for five minutes.  This week's prompt: NEW

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it
I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.
Isaiah 43:18-19
The verse above is the theme verse for MOPS this year.  While I love the theme phrase this year "Be You Bravely", I've been pondering the sentence above that tells us God is doing a new thing.  Our God is eternal and He is still always doing/making something new.
It reminds me to stop and consider what new thing God is doing in my life, the new thing He might be calling me to, the new thing He might be asking me to pray about, the new discipline He desires for me to develop.
Today this is what first comes to mind:  He is doing a new thing in my prayer life.
I've mentioned before how our adoption wait was impacting my prayer life.  Hearing the short summaries of the women and couples working with our agency, considering whether adoption was a path they were going to choose for their unborn (or sometimes just born) child.  My prayers for them take may forms, mostly that they would have a person to lend them support as they walk through this journey, a source of unbiased wise counsel, and God-given peace in the midst of conflicting emotions and opinions.  Its been humbling to me to get a glimpse of the challenges and life situations that these individuals have often been facing -- so many things creating swirling clouds that obstruct a clear path.
As we embarked on this new journey of foster-to-adopt this summer, again I see God doing a new thing in my prayer life.  I can't help but be impacted after reading the short bios on some of these young kiddos, facing so many transitions, loss, and pain in their short lives, with many challenges ahead.  I have seen their faces and large eyes, waiting for the family that they call theirs forever.  I continue to pray for them even after we find out we are not their forever family -- prayers for their transitions, for healing, for their new families, for them to be surrounded by those that would help them succeed and move forward.  But most of all that they would find new hope and love.
What new thing might God be calling you to?  Asking you to pray for? What new is He doing in your life?  Can you perceive it?
If you'd like to take a few minutes to pray for some of the waiting kids, most states have online places where some of those waiting are listed.  Here's MN's site

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Yarn Spider Web

Banister + Yarn + Plastic Spider Rings + a Creative 5 Year Old = a colorful spiderweb :)

Simple fall decorating here on the Gravelly Road :)

Monday, September 29, 2014

Weekend on the ATV Trails

We spent this past weekend a few hours north of our house, staying at a cabin with friends, enjoying the beautiful fall colors and riding on the ATV trails.  Because there was no school on Friday, it was a 3-day weekend which helped us to unwind a bit more.

The weather couldn't have been more perfect with fall colors at near peak.
fall colors on atv trails

I wished I could have brought my nice camera along to attempt to do justice to the colors but there was to much dust.  And of course we found plenty of mud.
mud puddle splash
At one stop on the trail, the kiddos had granola bars for a snack and while our kiddo was munching away on his granola bar his first loose tooth fell out :)  Of course that meant that the tooth fairy had to find us at the cabin but it all worked out.
tooth fairy visit after atv trails

Two days of riding ATV trails, yummy meals shared with friends, enjoying the pool after Sunday brunch, enjoying God's creation with a bit of adrenaline thrown in for good measure, mud, laughter and creating memories as a family-- priceless. 
family fall atv trip

We had a wonderful weekend away but yet so good to be back home on the gravelly road.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

First Fall Leaves

I know its only September but one of our big trees has started loosing leaves so when our kiddo asked if we could rake some leaves to make a pile to jump in, I was happy to comply -- camera in hand of course.

jumping in a leaf pile

I'm finding I need to be so much more intentional about what we do in the evenings.  After being gone all day, he's so tired that we usually don't go anywhere after school (park, friends' house, etc) yet I want to make the most of the few hours we have together.  Fun in the backyard after supper fits that nicely.

So we are celebrating fall with fun in the leaves here on the gravelly road.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Campfire ghost stories

Perfect fall weather this weekend for backyard campfires -- cool with no wind.  Of course there were a few ghost stories as well.  I love the look he's giving Dad.... and the fashion choices -- pjs, hat, sweatshirt and mom's gloves,

backyard bonfire

Enjoying Life on the Gravelly Road.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Day of School 2014

I can't believe he's in Kindergarten!  He was ready but nervous this morning... He bravely walked from the crosswalk all the way to his classroom by himself.  I'm expecting a very tired boy this afternoon :)  Praying he has a wonderful first day, makes some great new friends (he only knew 2 kids in his class), and he knows so many people are praying for him on his first day.

first day

*** Added after the school day ****

Here's a few more pics... the top two are from open house/pre-conference events the end of August. The pic in the lower left his teacher sent this evening and the lower right is waiting at the cross-walk to go into school this morning.

From what I've heard, he had a great first day.  He was naming off friends he saw on the playground that he knew (but weren't in his class).  He told me at lunch they get CHOCOLATE milk and there are special colored bins in the classroom with different toys for each day of the week.  He was able to remember what book the teacher read the class but said he forgot that he had snack in his bag at snack time and ate half his sandwich at snack instead :)

Dear Father, 

Thank you again and again for allowing me to be the mom of this precious boy.  I am so honored and challenged daily.  He is growing up so fast it takes my breath away! 

I pray for an extra blessing over the kindergarten year ahead of him.  Watch over him this year as he spends more time at school than he ever has before.  Be there for him when I'm not.  Guide his words, actions and interactions so that he may be kind, compassionate and a positive leader in the classroom.

May his classroom be a place of learning, new friendships, good challenges, and opportunities to grow.  May his teacher have the extra special energy, leadership, and grace to keep this class of kindergartners engaged in learning and treating each other in positive ways as they get to know each other.

Grow him into the boy (and young man) you created him to be for your purposes and help me to be the parent I need to be for him for your glory. 


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Books While We Wait -- August 2014 edition

As you know, we are buying a new children's book each month while we wait. Since the original post has gotten rather long to keep reposting.  I will still update the original list and have added a link near the header, but each month I will only post about the new book.  If you want to see the entire list, please feel free to click on the link at the bottom and review the other ones :)

Forever Families: God's Gift of Adoption by Natalie Sutyak

This beautifully illustrated book describes how God created everyone to look different but with the same heart and need for family.  It is God that brings together forever families.  The book touches on domestic infant, international and adoption from foster care.  It includes illustrations and photos of many adoptive families, including many transracial families.

There are a few pages that are rather wordy for younger children though -- the text is likely more for the 5 and older crowd but the illustrations would be enjoyed by all ages!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Catching up on summer fun

I know it has been a bit quiet on the blog.  Its been partially an intentional break to better enjoy these last weeks of summer.  But also due to feeling like I didn't have much to say.  I'm hoping to get into a better habit of writing this fall when school starts (say it isn't next week).  But for now, here's a photo heavy post to catch up on what we've been up to.

The month started with kiddo and Daddy going on a road trip to Grandparent-land for a cousin's baptism and cousins' birthday party to see Dad's side of the family.  Then when the work week started for Dad, a several night sleep over at his grandparent's (my side) started for the kiddo.  The highlight of the trip was a trip to the zoo with Grandpa and Grandma.  I love that he's at the age where he absorbs so many facts -- he was talking about the zoo animals for days.

While they were gone, I enjoyed a VERY quiet house for a few days.  Most of the time was spent at a MOPS planning retreat for the fall, but plenty of time to scrapbook, watch a chic flick, and do some shopping.

When my guys got home, we quickly emptied suitcases and repacked as all of us were travelling with Dad for a few days.  It was a great way to fit in a bit more family time... of course the fact that Dad was staying at a hotel with a water park helped too.  So while Dad worked, we played.  So many trips of the flights of stairs to the tall water slides, over and over.  The hotel room even had a separate room with a bunk bed.
waterpark adventures

Then it was off to the county fair.  Our family entered items in open class again this year so it was fun to go check for ribbons.  Kiddo had the most ribbons, but Dad won a big award of merit ribbon on the wooden train he built.  Of course there were rides, animal barns, and the kids activity area to check out too.  A fun day!
county fair summer fun

We also managed to squeeze in a night at the local ballpark watching baseball that same weekend :)

A full week of VBS followed soon after.  Four full days of fun at church with music, crafts, snacks, meals, and afternoon adventures (including a long walk to the nursing home to sing and deliver gifts).  He had a blast.  I worked in the kitchen and enjoyed getting to know some gals from church I otherwise don't get a chance to visit with.  By the end of each day though we were both exhausted!
church vbs

Somewhere in there and since we've also fit in several playdates, including one with friends in the cities, a trip to the pool, going out for ice cream a few times, school shopping, plus a few fun grill outs with friends -- one with a bonfire and s'mores, the other ending with an evening boat ride.

Its been a whirl wind month for us on the gravelly road.  Now we are trying to enjoy every last bit of summer before our little boy starts kindergarten NEXT WEEK.  How can it be?

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Book Review & Giveaway: Interrupted by Jen Hatmaker

I'm excited to share about another great book with you, even more exciting is that I have a giveaway to share as well (read all the way to the bottom of the post for more details).

Last fall I had the privilege of hearing Jen Hatmaker speak at MomCon.  When I heard she'd updated and was re-releasing her book "Interrupted: When Jesus Wrecks Your Comfortable Christianity", I jumped at the chance to review and spread the word about her book.

This book tells of a compelling journey that God took a ministry family on (after interrupting life as they knew it), resulting in a new church plant, a new way to do ministry for them and many lives changed, including their own.  But the book is so, so much more than that.

I wanted to devour the book, to find out how the tension and questions being brought to the author's heart by God would be resolved.   Yet at the same time I knew I needed to go slowly to let the message soak into my heart to work through the lessons and challenges being brought to the surface.  It is a book I will likely read a second time.

Jen honestly walks readers through the tough and sometimes messy questions that God was placing on her heart during this journey, from who is the "least of these", what it means to serve others, and if it was possible in her life-long Christian faith walk and ministry that she might have been missing something so close to God's heart.  I also appreciated that her husband added his perspective to this journey and how God was working in both their lives uniquely to allow them to make this huge life change together.

This book was challenging, refreshing and yet accessible.  It is a great book for anyone who has grown up in the church, especially those who have wondered how to reach out to those outside the church walls or have ever felt a sense that there must be more.  It held so many great reminders about serving others as a way of life (living on mission), not something you "do" at a set time/schedule/trip and the importance to leave margins in your life to allow you to love others through serving.

If you haven't read anything by Jen Hatmaker, see her author profile below and check out her blog.  Her writing style in her book mirrors her blog, like she is telling you this story as a friend.  In fact after hearing her speak this fall, I can almost hear her voice in my head as I read her words.  She is honest, funny, writes from her whole heart and as she states "I over share and have no discernable filter".

God is moving today and through us He can do the "new" thing the world is waiting for.   Are you brave enough to let God interrupt comfortable to do something brave?

More About the Author

Jen Hatmaker is the author of 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess and A Modern Girl's Bible Study series. With a heart for her generation, she speaks at conferences around the country. Jen resides in Austin, Texas, with her husband, Brandon, and their five children. To learn more about Jen and follow her blog, go to

I was provided a copy of this book to read and review, in addition to a copy to giveaway.  My review and opinions are my own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Five Minute Friday: Begin

This week I'm again participating in Five Minute Fridays hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker, encouraging bloggers to write on a prompt unedited for five minutes.  I didn't want to miss this week -- its the last time Lisa-Jo will be hosting Five Minute Fridays at her blog.  Next week the passionate and loving Five Minute Friday community it will be "meeting" at Kate Motaung's blog.  This week's prompt: BEGIN


Sometimes the beginning takes the most bravery.

Something new.  Something unknown.

Taking that first step out the front door and beginning a new journey.

When I stand at the point of beginning, I usually can't see the end or even how many twists, turns, rocky or smooth places the road may contain.  The not-knowing often adds to my fear but yet if I knew all I'd need to walk through, I might not be able to take that first step.

Kindergarten is just one month away for our precious son.  A huge important beginning for him.  It is the topic of frequent conversation and soon we'll busy getting everything ready for his first day.  His excitement reminds me of the hope and potential that a new beginning brings.

This fall is a beginning for me too.  A new schedule, new normal.  I've been praying and pondering how best to use the days while he is at school.  Volunteering, a job, something else.  I struggle to wrap my mind around what this new normal might look like.

I've also been pondering the beginning of our adoption journey that seems so long ago now.  I was so certain that there would be another little one in our family by the time our son headed off to kindergarten.  I couldn't see the winding path that brings us to this point, this transition.  In many ways I'm thankful for that.

I trust in God who knows all beginnings, sees all endings and all the winding curves in between.  Whether it be the first step or a hundred steps later, He is there beside me reminding me that everyday is its own new beginning.


Today, I am linking once again with the passionate and loving Five Minute Friday community, hosted each week by Lisa-Jo Baker.  Come join the fun.

Five Minute Friday

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Books While We Wait - July 2014 edition

As you know, we are buying a new children's book each month while we wait. Since the original post has gotten rather long to keep reposting.  I will still update the original list and have added a link near the header, but each month I will only post about the new book.  If you want to see the entire list, please feel free to click on the link at the bottom and review the other ones :)

The Knight and the Firefly: A Boy, a Bug, and a Lesson in Bravery by Amanda Jenkins and Tara McClary Reeves

This heartfelt book is about a knight who protects his bug friends bravely during the day but struggles with being afraid of the dark every night.  A friendly firefly helps him face his fear using Truth about our Heavenly Protector, specifically Psalm 91, learning that with God we are never alone.  The illustrations were beautiful and our son connected with the story.